(704) 660-1120

National Children’s Dental Health Month

Every February the dentist here at Mooresville-Dentist.com promote and celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month! Along with the American Dental Association (ADA) we strive to raise awareness of good oral hygiene.   We encourage you to learn more...

A Healthy Smile for the New Year’s

I don’t know about you, but when I make New Year’s Resolutions, I usually mess it up by the end of the month! If you want to make a resolution this year that is easier to keep, the doctors at Lembo-Montgomery suggest improving your dental health. It is an easy, and...

April is Oral Cancer Awareness

Using VELscope to detect Oral Cancer Our practice is serious about early detection of oral cancer! Along with a traditional approach to oral screening, which includes examining the tissues in the mouth, we use a cutting edge tool to detect oral cancer called VELscope...

How to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad Breath, referred to as halitosis, is something we all deal with at one time or another.  When you are talking to someone with bad breath it can be distracting, but what can you do? Bad breath can be reduced or prevented if you : Practice good oral hygiene. Brush...