(704) 660-1120

The Staff at Mooresville-dentist.com really want our clients to have healthy teeth and gums. It is important to brush properly to reduce the chance of getting gingivitis or tooth decay. If you brush improperly or too harshly it can lead to abrasions on your gums or even wear away the surface of the tooth. Brushing too harshly can also expose your root surfaces and cause tooth sensitivity.

However, if you follow these steps to brushing your teeth properly then you will keep your teeth healthy. These steps can also be used when an adult is assisting a child with their brushing.

1. First, apply a small, this strip of toothpaste to your toothbrush after wetting the brush.

2. You should start with your back molars and focus your brushing on the front surface of the teeth. Your brush should move in a clockwise direction.

3. The toothbrush should be held parallel to your teeth at a 45 degree angle with the bristles in the direction of the gum line.

4. Move the brush in a gentle circular motion insuring your get the front surface of each tooth–top and bottom. Do not scrub back and forth with the brush because this can cause the bristles to tear your guns.

5. Repeat this procedure for the inside surface of each tooth. Again, insure you brush the top and bottom teeth.

6. When cleaning the back of the front teeth, use the tip of the brush to flick the bristles 3-4 times from the gum line down.

7. Complete step 6 for the inside of the back teeth as well except you will flick the brush up away from the gum line instead of down.

8. Brush the molars and premolars chewing surfaces.

9. Gently brush your tongue and the inside of your cheeks.

10. Finish by rinsing with water or mouthwash.

That’s it! Brushing should be done 2 times a day at least and each time should take 2 minutes. Here is a video we came across online that will give a visual to these steps.


To keep your teeth healthy and to reduce the risk of dental diseases and tooth decay, brush twice a day. it is also important to visit your Mooresville dentist regularly. Dentists can spot small problems before they develop into big problems. If you are in need of a dentist or it is time to schedule your cleaning give us a call her at Mooresville-dentist.com—(704) 660-1120.