(704) 660-1120

Why is it critical for you to know about the root causes of teeth grinding? This is an all encompassing matter and a lot of people have it without even recognizing it. As you get older, you tend to have more dental problems, and teeth grinding can be one cause of this. Once you notice you are doing this, it’s effortless to come across an approach for stopping it. To make this effortless, we will now talk about some of the usual root causes of teeth grinding. One of the most common causes of teeth grinding is stress and anxiety. Everyone responds to stress differently, but when you are tense, your body tends to tense up, and for some people, a lot of this is expressed in the jaw area. Lots of times, people aren’t even aware that they are grinding their teeth. Unfortunately, emotional stress can often make people grind their teeth while they are sleeping and that is a far harder habit to break. This is why dentists and doctors will often prescribe mouth guards for nighttime wear, and this is an effective method of treatment for most people. If you are teeth grinding because of stress, you need to address the actual problem causing the stress as well as your physical reaction to it, however.

A disorder that is related to teeth grinding is TMJ, or temporal mandibular joint pain. This starts soreness or rigidity in the jaw and can also trigger teeth grinding. TMJ has a variety of instigators, including bad posture, arthritis or overworking the muscles during physical exertion or while working out. All of these, then, can also be indirect causes of teeth grinding.

If you are dealing with TMJ, your dentist in Mooresville, NC will most likely suggest a specialist who knows how to take care of this ailment. If this is the instance, healing yourself from TMJ will perhaps also alleviate you from teeth grinding. TMJ is a problem that has been getting more attention recently, and health practitioners are finding more effective ways to treat it. There is substantiation that individuals who are apt to become furious and disturbed, particularly Type A personalities, are more apt to become teeth grinders. These are individuals who tend to be irritable, easily infuriated and who get upset if things don’t go exactly the way they want them to. Commonly, the tightness in the jaw is in actuality instigated from them attempting to hold back some angry feelings. As a result, if you notice yourself grinding your teeth when you’re caught up in traffic or sitting through a meeting that frustrates you, you perhaps fall into this classification.

Once you have recognized the instigator of teeth grinding, it can be remedied, on the account of it being able to be managed. It’s also smart for your total teeth health and well being to find out how to lessen your feelings of exasperation and disappointment. Teeth grinding can have many causes, and can be related to physical or emotional issues. The crucial thing is to discover the reason you are doing it and then concoct an effective plan to take care of it. The recommendations suggested above regarding the causes of teeth grinding can be beneficial to you in discovering the cause of your problem.

If you are grinding your teeth, you need to see your dentist in Mooresville, NCto determine what damage has been done to your teeth.  A Mooresville, NC dentist can also fit you with the right mouth guard that can really help you with your teeth grinding at night.  Call Mooresville-Dentist now to schedule an appointment.We are here to help. (704) 660-1120